1000 Starship fleet - Elon's Spacex goal for 2050!!

Elon Musk, known for projects such as SpaceX and Tesla, is officially shining a light on our future with his crazy projects and exciting plans. He does it the fun way most of the time, and he never tires us out.

Elon Musk's craziest plan today could be to send humans to Mars to start colonizing the red planet. Here's Elon Musk answering a question from a user on Twitter, while also confirming the number of people who can be sent to Mars.

1 million people could be sent to Mars by 2050:

Elon Musk tweeted on January 17th that it takes more megatons per year for humans to transition to multiplanetary life. Elon's followers then asked how many flights SpaceX planned to perform per day. Elon answered that question.

Elon Musk said the design goal of the Starship was to make three flights a day. But what really excited me wasn't an account or two that Elon did, it was an account his follower did. According to the account of Musk's follower, three flights a day meant that by 2050, 1 million people would have gone to Mars.

 Elon Musk simply replied 'Yes.' to this exciting little account shared by his follower. As SpaceX, along with Starship, searched for ways to colonize Mars, another detail came from Elon Musk recently. Answering a question from his followers, Elon seemed to make it clear that Cybertruck was going to Mars with Starship.

SpaceX's extraterrestrial plans, of course, are not limited to Mars. The company plans to send people to the moon after 2022. Manned flights to Mars will take place as early as 2024. Musk also shared that when the Starship vehicle is built, people can use it to get to any point on Earth in less than an hour.


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