
Showing posts from February 5, 2022

Cyanide could play a key role in the emergence of life on Earth

California chemists found that cyanide could act as a catalyst in the reactions of the synthesis of organic compounds from carbon dioxide on the early Earth. The study not only allows you to take a fresh look at the origin of life on our planet, but can also help in the search for life in other worlds. Perhaps this is what our planet looked like four billion years ago – a pale orange dot / ©NASA / Goddard Space Flight Center / Francis Reddy Yesterday,   a chemical compound known as cyanide (although it would be more correct to talk about a group of substances - cyanides containing the CN group) is associated by many with a very toxic colorless gas, a deadly poison and even chemical weapons. Indeed, many cyanides are toxic. Cyanides, as well as their derivatives, were used during the Second World War as a chemical warfare agent, and they still help in the fight against many pests: mice, rats, coyotes, opossums, ants. However, it seems that cyanide can not only bring death, but ...

EOS-4 Launching: isro will soon launch the first satellite of the year 2022, know its specialty

   Image credit :ISRO MISSION EOS-04 (RISAT-1A) EOS-04, also named RISAT (Radar Imaging Satellite), is a series of Indian radar imaging reconnaissance satellites built by ISRO. They provide all-weather surveillance using synthetic aperture radars (SAR). Payloads 1                                                       Total Mass: 1,858Kg Location Satish Dhawan Space Centre First Launch Pad Sriharikota, Republic of India Launch Date: February 14, 2022  Time: 5:30 AM AGENCY ISRO Chairman: S. Somanath Founded in 1969 The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is the space agency of the Government of India headquartered in the city of Bangalore. Its vision is to "harness space technology for national development while pursuing space science research and planetary exploration."