
Showing posts from February 6, 2022

NASA warned of the approach of an asteroid the size of a football field

On February 8, the asteroid 2007 UY1 will approach the Earth, the diameter of which is 150 meters. This follows from data released by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). It should be noted that according to the international rules of the game of football, the maximum length of the sideline of the field cannot exceed 120 meters, and the goal line - 90 meters. Thus, the dimensions of the celestial body are larger than the dimensions of a football field. The asteroid, discovered in 2007, will pass Earth at a minimum distance of 5.3 million km. According to scientists, the probability of UY1 colliding with the Earth is extremely small.

Scientists accused SpaceX satellites of interfering with the study of dangerous asteroids

      Credit: © globallookpress/NASA SpaceX's numerous Starlink satellites make it difficult for astronomers to capture high-quality images and may interfere with the search for potentially dangerous asteroids. This is reported in a study in the scientific journal Astrophysical Journal Letters. It is noted that scientists considered the influence of Starlink satellites on about 300 thousand images that were taken at the Palomar Observatory in Southern California. From November 2019 to September 2021, there was a 35-fold increase in the number of corrupted images. "For comparison: in 2019, 0.5% of twilight images were affected, and now this figure has increased to 20%," explained Przemek Mroz, lead author of the study. University of Washington astronomer Eric Bellm pointed out that reflected streaks of sunlight can complicate the search for potentially dangerous asteroids. "There's definitely a kind of planetary defense aspect here," he said. A NASA spokesman...